Medical definition for the term 'acoustic tubercle' acoustic tubercle. Type:Term. Synonyms trigone of auditory nerve. Stedman's Medical Dictionary Wolters We show that the amygdala encodes both the acoustic features of a stimulus and its valence (perceived unpleasantness). Dynamic causal Show Relation to Hierarchy. English. Latin. Synonyms, Species & Sources. acoustic tubercle. H. sapiens, Carpenter-83. Tuberculum acusticum. H. sapiens The cochlear nuclear (CN) complex comprises two cranial nerve nuclei in the human brainstem The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN), also known as the tuberculum acusticum or acoustic tubercle, curves over the VCN and wraps around the acoustic tubercle,acoustic tubercle,acoustic tubercle, acoustic tubercle n a pear shaped prominence on the inferior cerebellar peduncle including the dorsal nucleus of the cochlear nerve * * * auditory t Medical The acoustic tubercle is a nuclei on the end of the cochlear nerve. Last 5 Pages Viewed: Acoustic tubercle Acoustic tubercle -> trigone of auditory nerve Synonym: acoustic tubercle, trigonum acustici. Panchax possess a remarkably well-developed central acoustic lobe in thdr brain. acoustic branch is seen entering the acoustico-lateral tubercle and finally. Articular tubercle. Mandibular fossa of TMJ. External acoustic meatus. (auditory canal). Zygomatic process of temporal bone. Styloid process. Mastoid process. The current study utilizes the magnitude of the acoustic startle nucleus accumbens, and olfactory tubercle in males, but not female rats while of the inferior peduncle forming a prominent projection, the acoustic tubercle, and a ventral or accessory cochlear nucleus more ventral to the inferior peduncle
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